
Cat lady, comedy lover, freelance copywriter, advertising student, entertainment enthusiast. I like to think I'm punk rock but I'm not.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Dylan Moran - The Stand Newcastle 17/08/2014

As part of The Stand Newcastle's 'Newcastle Alternative' to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Dylan Moran was performing a work in progress show. Dylan Moran hasn't been doing many gigs recently, but there was no trying to cover it up, he turned his 'rustiness' into hilarity, with little stories and talking to the audience. It was great to see a comedian so genuine about his work, he openly said he was nervous and unprepared but he had the entire crowd on his side and it didn't matter the material didn't flow as one, well rehearsed piece, because the moments wouldn't have been the same.

You never really got the gist of what this show he's building is going to be about, he covered a few topics, technology, the inner monologue, getting older. It was just a show about topics that were relatable to everyone, but all of it was really funny. He never took himself seriously, and the gig was better for it. He fit a lot of material into an hour and a half, so picking out highlights is hard, and also may spoil it for if some of the material makes it onto a tour, although his erotic novel bit was incredibly funny!

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