
Cat lady, comedy lover, freelance copywriter, advertising student, entertainment enthusiast. I like to think I'm punk rock but I'm not.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


So, hello! My name is Cathy and this is my new little blog.

This is my face!
This blog is just going to be a collection of things I enjoy talking about - music, film, TV, comedy, food, adverts, and little bits of life.

I'll be doing reviews, and features like 'ad of the week' and 'artist of the month'.

So, a little about me. I'm 20, and I'm just starting my last semester of my final year studying Advertising and Media at Northumbria uni. It's only slightly terrifying that soon I'll be let loose on the real world! 

I work as a freelance copywriter among other things (serving alcohol to Newcastle United football fans). Realising I can do writing to make a bit of money reminded me I enjoy writing for fun too, so that's why I've set up this little blog!

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