Radkey are a punky trio of brothers from America, I first heard them earlier this month and quickly went to iTunes to download everything they had. I will say that they're not going to be for everyone, if you have a penchant for pop then they probably won't be for you, but if punk or hardcore is up your street then you just might like them.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Artist of the Month - Radkey
Posted by Cathy at 16:00 0 comments
Labels: artist of the month, hardcore, music, punk, radkey, rock
Ad of the Week
So, it's nearly the Super Bowl, and of course, nearly time for the halftime adverts. So this week I've chosen, you guessed it, a Super Bowl advert! This offering is from Jaguar, created by Spark 44, and personally I think it's great. Car adverts so often bore me half to death, they're all the same! And while this one doesn't stray away from the analogy angle so many car adverts take, it does it really well.
We're in the age of the anti-hero, these days the baddies in films are often more popular than the goodies, and with the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch, and Tom Hiddleston (who features in the ad) getting a lot of love in the States, it's no coincidence that this advert has come about now. It's certainly very clever, very well done, and if I'm honest I would 100% go and see a film with Tom Hiddleston, Ben Kingsley and Mark Strong all playing those classic British villains. The only thing, however, is that the car it's actually advertising gets a little lost. Apparently it's the F-type coupe, which I had to look up myself! Still, I suppose if you know it's for Jaguar, that's probably enough!
Posted by Cathy at 11:00 0 comments
Labels: ad of the week, advert, advertising, ben kingsley, big game, british, commercial, goodtobebad, jaguar, mark strong, spark 44, super bowl, tom hiddleston, villains
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
What I'm Watching
1. American Horror Story Coven![]() |
I've been loving this season of American Horror Story! The season finale this week will hopefully tie up some loose ends and we'll find out who the next Supreme is. |
We're only two episodes into [Golden Globe winning] Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the UK but so far so good! |
I've been watching New Girl since the beginning. It's not for everyone, but it's a great half an hour of quick wit and really good characters! 5. 8 Out of 10 Cats does Countdown |
Posted by Cathy at 14:37 0 comments
Labels: 8 out of 10 cats, 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, AHS, american horror story coven, brooklyn nine-nine, New Girl, television, The Taste, TV
Friday, 24 January 2014
Happy birthday Mac
I have always used Macs so it's only fitting I do a little post for them on their 30th birthday.
Posted by Cathy at 20:28 0 comments
Labels: 30th birthday, apple, birthday, mac, macintosh
Ad of the Week
This week I thought I would choose a little bit of a serious Ad of the Week. I've chosen the #TimeToTalk campaign by Time To Change, an organisation run by charities Mind and Rethink. Mental health is an issue that does affect people I know so it's really nice to see a proper ad for it being shown on TV (I can't find the TV ad online anywhere though).
Posted by Cathy at 16:54 0 comments
Labels: #timetotalk, ad of the week, advert, advertising, awareness, campaign, commercial, mental health, mind, rethink, time to change
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Review - The Wolf of Wall Street
Sex. Drugs. Money. If I had to describe Martin Scorsese's new film in three words, they'd be the most obvious. But it is so much more than that. The film tells the story of Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker on Wall Street in the late '80s/early '90s. Belfort is ruthlessly played by Leonardo DiCaprio, a performance I feel would very much deserve the Oscar if he were to win.
Posted by Cathy at 13:03 0 comments
Labels: film, Jonah hill, Jordan Belfort, leonardo dicaprio, Margot Robbie, Martin Scorsese, movie, review, The wolf of Wall Street
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Review - Transgender Dysphoria Blues - Against Me!
If you are up to speed on the world of punk rock, or rock in general, then you should know about Laura Jane Grace. If, however, you don't, let me very quickly fill you in. In 2012, the lead singer of Against Me! came out publicly as being transgender (male to female transition), she has been given a huge amount of support since and rightly so.
That little bit of background is needed when listening to Against Me!'s latest, Transgender Dysphoria Blues. The record is a frank and open look at being transgender, lyrics such as "You want them to notice the ragged ends of your summer dress, you want them to see you like they see any other girl. They just see a faggot." from the album's title track open the record as in your face as it gets, and that is exactly what Grace set out to do. Fans of Against Me! will recognise those classic punchy beats and catchy hooks, the opening tracks Transgender Dysphoria Blues, True Trans Soul Rebel and Unconditional Love are definitely ones to be sung at the top of your lungs with your friends.
The album isn't all so in your face though, the almost ironically titled FUCKMYLIFE666 brings the album to a calmer pace, and it contains some of the most powerful lyrics on the album, "No more troubled sleep, there's a brave new world that's raging inside of me". The last few songs on the album take this slower pace, particularly Two Coffins, but the frank lyrics never cease. Apart from being a solid record of catchy lyrics and some very in-your-face songs, it is also a very honest and incredibly personal record, and at the same time it is so empowering not just for the transgender community, but for everyone regardless of their orientation.
If Against Me!'s new album teaches us anything, it's that you have to be honest with who you are and love yourself, regardless of what anyone else thinks, and let's face it, that's probably the most punk thing you can do.
Posted by Cathy at 21:35 0 comments
Labels: against me!, Laura Jane Grace, music, punk, review, transgender dysphoria blues
Friday, 17 January 2014
Ad of the Week
This week's ad is a little different. It's the trailer for Game of Thrones season 4.
Posted by Cathy at 15:49 0 comments
Labels: ad of the week, advert, commercial, game of thrones, GoT, trailer
Monday, 13 January 2014
Another Golden Globes Blog
I'm sure by now you've read enough Golden Globes blogs to satisfy your awards cravings until the Oscars! I don't usually watch the Golden Globes, but this year I remembered to look up the repeats so I could actually watch it. I struggle to watch the American awards shows simply because of the time difference, then by the time I wake up the day after I can just read the coverage.
Posted by Cathy at 20:05 0 comments
Labels: 12 years a slave, american hustle, amy poelher, andy samberg, brooklyn nine-nine, golden globes, gravity, her, inside llweyn davis, jessica chastain, leonardo dicaprio, lupita nyong'o, the golden globes, tina fey
Friday, 10 January 2014
Ad of the Week
I've always been a fan of Innocent's advertising, especially the ones created by RKCR/Y&R. Their latest, created by London agency 101, is no different. Never ones to take themselves too seriously, the advert moves away from Innocent's previous ones that focus on the taste of their drinks and this time focuses on the brand's efforts to do good in third world countries.
It's a nice little message, thinking that every time you buy an Innocent drink you're doing some good for the world (I, for one, am a very big supporter of The Big Knit). I suppose that's why I like Innocent, tasty drinks and you get to feel like you're doing your bit.
Posted by Cathy at 16:15 0 comments
Labels: 101 london, ad of the week, advert, advertising, commercial, innocent, innocent drinks
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Review - Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
There is no denying that Nelson Mandela was a great man. Since his passing, he is in the public's consciousness in a very big way, so the timing of the release of Justin Chadwick's Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom seemed almost apt, thought it was not in any way planned.
The cinematography is certainly not at fault, with beautiful long-shots of a stunning South African backdrop in scenes of Mandela as a child and when he goes back to his home village. I personally enjoyed the use of actuality footage of the world's reaction to the injustice in South Africa. The costume design, especially for Winnie Mandela (Naomie Harris), was very good. I did enjoy the strong contrast between more traditional African dress and well-cut smart suits and dresses.
The acting cannot be faulted either. Idris Elba gave an incredibly strong performance as Mandela; managing to keep hope in his eyes even when there seemed to be none. Naomie Harris stole the show as Winnie Mandela, her character was certainly multi-dimensional. Even at her strongest, there was no denying a certain fear about her for her people.
The main problem with the film, however, was the timescale. It was simply too big and therefore the film seemed to lose focus sometimes. There was so much going on during Mandela's life that fitting 50+ years into 2 hours and 21 minutes was a tall order for any director. The parts leading up to his arrest seemed very rushed, there was not much time to build on his character before his imprisonment, no time to even cover what the breakdown of his first marriage made him feel or the early relationship between Mandela and Winnie.
If the film had set it's focus purely on Mandela's time in prison how that affected him and how that in turn had affected the segregation of black South Africans, and how Winnie continued to fight for their right to freedom until Mandela's release, then so much more could have been delved into.
The film is based on Mandela's own autobiography and he personally gave permission for the film to be made, so I do not doubt any of the credibility of the story or the feelings, I just think that to try and cover so much of such a great man's life in such a short time was not really doing him enough justice. That said, I would still recommend seeing Long Walk to Freedom.
Posted by Cathy at 12:34 0 comments
Labels: film, idris elba, mandela: long walk to freedom, naomie harris, nelson mandela, review
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
So, hello! My name is Cathy and this is my new little blog.
Posted by Cathy at 15:23 0 comments
Labels: Hello, introduction, personal