Five years after the release of the self-titled debut, La Roux is back. After the departure of producer Ben Langmaid, singer Elly Jackson has gone ahead on her own to create an album that smacks of classic 1980s synth-pop.
The album is easy to get into, La Roux's sound has matured over the five years away and Trouble in Paradise is better for it. The opener Uptight Downtown is sure to get the party started, with the opening sounding like something straight out of a club in 1985. Kiss and Not Tell is an ideal summer track, easy to listen to and definitely funky!
The latter half of the album contains Silent Parter, the 7-minute long track that could easily have been an anthem for any 1980s synth-pop outfit. The overall tracklist is strong, and well put together, mixing the fast paced songs with the slower ones to create an album that flows together well and makes for fantastic summer listening.
Trouble in Paradise shows that La Roux is definitely back!